Tomica 17-7 Toyota Celsior / Lexus LS 中国製 白箱 トミカ トヨタ セルシオ

Tomica 17-7 Toyota Celsior / Lexus LS 中国製 白箱 トミカ トヨタ セルシオ

Tomica 17-7 Toyota Celsior / Lexus LS


This article introduces an MIC (i.e. Made in China) Tomica 17-7 Toyota Celsior Lexus LS with an original white box.


Prize Application Information

〆切 Closing Date:まだ募集していません、どうぞお楽しみに。
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    Any reseller is prohibited to participate
  2. 趣味のトミカチャンネルの登録者でない方は応募できません
    You must be a subscriber to my YouTube Channel
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    You must write a comment expressing your wish to win the prize
  4. 趣味のトミカインスタグラムのフォロワーになってください
    You must be a follower to my Instagram account
  5. 当選品はノークレーム・ノーリターンです
    No return and no claim policy is applied

Let’s check current market prices

About this Tomica

This is the third generation Toyota Celsior / Lexus LS.



This model was initially introduced in “the Tomica-Plarail World Catalogue 2001-2002”. It is MIC (i.e. Made in China), come with blue ‘Tomy’ box logo, brown interior, smoke grey tinted window, 2F wheels, and silver body.

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