Tomica 29-2-19 Hino Aerial Ladder Fire Truck 日本製 赤箱 トミカ 日野 ハシゴ 消防車

Tomica 29-2-19 Hino Aerial Ladder Fire Truck 日本製 赤箱 トミカ 日野 ハシゴ 消防車

Tomica 29-2-19 Hino Aerial Ladder Fire Truck


This article introduces a mint MIJ (i.e. Made in Japan) Tomica 29-2-19 Hino Aerial Ladder Fire Truck with an original red box.


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〆切 Closing Date:まだ募集していません、どうぞお楽しみに。
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  5. 当選品はノークレーム・ノーリターンです
    No return and no claim policy is applied

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About this Tomica

It seems that the type of vehicle is the second generation Hino Ranger.



This model is the variation number 19 according to “the Tomica Catalogue 2000” book originally published in 2000, because it is MIJ (i.e. made in Japan), shape of the ladder base is the final, window is green, body is Cadmium Red, and 1H wheels are given – meaning the last variation out of the eleven standard models.


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